Get thousands of HD quality Wallpapers & Ringtones, in the SAME app! Find amazing categories of Wallpapers and Ringtones! Personalize your iPhone/iPad as you wish!
Find more than 500+ categories of wallpapers, such as nature, valentine, cartoon, cars, halloween, video games, anime, artistic and many more. New wallpapers are updated on regular basis!
Vast collection of amazing Ringtones! Romantic, jazz, classical, club, guitar, blues, country, rock, metal, soothing, instrument… whatever your taste might be, you can find it here!
- Enjoy thousands of HD quality Wallpapers & Ringtones. New categories are updated regularly
- Use the amazing Photo Editor, make as many variations of Wallpapers as you want
- Unlimited downloads everyday, no limit on downloads
- Beautiful, easy to use interface and Super Fast Loading
- Slide show and Sharing through fb, twitter and email
- Swipe through the collection of images for easy exploring
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